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Alt 28.10.2008, 08:59
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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The Mansfields to be guests at EPE 2009 Birthday Event

The Mansfields to be guests at EPE 2009 Birthday Event: Rex Mansfield, who was inducted, trained and served with Elvis in the Army, and Elisabeth Mansfield, Elvis' secretary while he was stationed in Germany, will be special guests at the January 2009 Fan Club Presidents’ Event and Elvis Insiders Reception and Tour.
Rex Mansfield was inducted into the Army on the same day as Elvis in March 1958 and went through basic training with him in Texas, travelled with him to Germany and they became close friends for the next 18 months.
Elisabeth Stefaniak was a young German girl in 1958, and was hired to answer Elvis' fan mail. Elisabeth became romantically involved with Elvis, but was torn between her love for Elvis and her love for Rex. But she eventually chose Rex and they married in 1960.
During the Elvis Insiders Reception and Tour on January 9, Rex and Elisabeth will be meeting fans, signing autographs and selling their book Sergeant Presley: Our Untold Story of Elvis' Missing Years. During the Fan Club Presidents’ Event on January 10, fans can hear Rex and Elisabeth sharing their stories about Elvis during his time in the Army. Following the fan club event, they will be signing autographs and selling copies of their book. Go here for EIN's exclusive interview with Rex & Elisabeth Mansfield.
Click here for more details on both EPE events. (News, Source;EPE/EIN)
Alt Alt 28.10.2008, 08:59
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