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Alt 11.11.2011, 13:13
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Undiscovered 1976 Elvis Song?

Undiscovered 1976 Elvis Song? (Video, Look Down my Page)

Newschannel 3's I-Team has uncovered a recording that could change music history - or so they claim. From their website: "Elvis fans have been living in the heartbreak hotel since his death, wanting to hear anything new from the king. Now, a new, never before heard recording has surfaced that could be Elvis Presley.

This is the story of ...a king, and a recording of a song called 'Living to Love You.' According to Battle Creek attorney Violet Hinton, that recording has Elvis Presley singing. She says the song comes from songwriter Jimmie Crane and producer Albert Leigh, recorded in 1976, the year before Elvis died.

There was a series of unfortunate events, Hinton says Jimmie Crane passed away, Albert Leigh had a stroke, his studio was broken into and Leigh died after a second stroke. The recording disappeared, only to be rediscovered years later, collecting dust in the attic of Albert Leigh's wife's home.

“Her house was foreclosed on,” said Hinton. “She just recently gave what was left of Albert Leigh's things to her sons. They were going through it, they found all this stuff.”

One of those sons lives in Battle Creek and brought the recording he believed to be Elvis to Hinton along with a table full of documents. “All the tapes, all the contracts, all the songs written by Jimmie Crane, copyrights,” said Hinton.

Hinton, a lifetime fan of Elvis, couldn't help but be 'all shook up' by the possibility of an undiscovered recording. “He was the greatest. There's no one like Elvis Presley, never will be,” said Hinton. “When I heard that, I knew that was Elvis Presley. I knew it.”

Hinton says she's verified the authenticity of the documents and says they connect Elvis, Jimmie Crane and Albert Leigh to the song. Perhaps most important are shipping records to companies like Atlantic and MCA Records, on the song line, “Living to Love You,” on the artist line, “Elvis.”

However, Hinton admits there's no smoking gun, no one piece of evidence that proves the recording is Elvis Presley. Hinton brought the case to Newschannel 3 and we tracked down forensic audio expert Ed Primeau and noted music journalist Gary Graff to help solve the mystery.

“A complete, previously unreleased song by Elvis is a grail, maybe not a Holy Grail, but it's still a significant find,” said Graff. Primeau has done forensic audiovisual analysis work on dozens of legal cases. He says the best case scenario would be having Elvis sing the song today and matching the recording to that, but that's obviously not an option.

“So what we do is we go back to that same era, we pull a piece of music,” said Primeau. “We find a similar phrasing vocally in the music and call that our exemplar. We compare that to the sample that we want to know if it is indeed Elvis or not.”

The files in, and his ears ready, Primeau takes a close listen to the recording.And then, Primeau listens, and listens and listens some more, to 'Living to Love You,' to 'What Now My Love' and 'I'll Remember You' off 'Aloha From Hawaii.' He also analyzes the audio spectrum, watches the waveforms bounce and eventually the veteran witness from dozens of court cases, delivers his verdict.

“Putting you under oath, is this Elvis?” asked Newschannel 3's Mike Chesney.

“Yes,” said Primeau. “It's Elvis Presley, there's no doubt in my mind.”

The tonality, vibrato, phrasing and the spectrum, all a match. And we took it one note further, comparing the out the audio from a known Elvis song and our mystery recording to an Elvis impersonator and another performer, we used Neil Diamond. They clearly didn't match. There's no two Elvis Presleys on this planet,” said Primeau. “We heard several nuances that were similar in the impersonator and Elvis, but at the end of the day, it's different.”

“Ed Primeau is one of the leaders in his field,” said Graff. “His word carries a substantial amount of weight.”

It's enough weight for Graff to also believe that the recording is Elvis.

Graff says by the mid-70s, Elvis wasn't doing much recording, which makes this find even more special.

“You're really talking about one of a handful, if that many, of new songs that Elvis recorded in that time period,” said Graff. “Who knows what the intent was here. Was this the beginning of a new Elvis album? Was he starting to look for material? Were there discussions about putting him back in the studio?”

“What you've discovered here is an update to an estate that has been quiet for a long time,” said Primeau.

“There's going to be a lot of commercial possibilities for this,” said Graff. We want back to Hinton with the news, telling her that the forensic audio expert says the recording is in fact, Elvis. “I knew it, I just knew it,” said Hinton. “I knew the first time I heard it that it was really Elvis. I know there are impersonators, but I knew this was Elvis.”

Now Hinton hopes to start the ball rolling for her clients, the family of producer Albert Leigh.

“I'm hoping this gets enough notoriety that the people I've been trying to reach, I'll be able to get through to now,” said Hinton.

And Hinton hopes to eventually make it so other Elvis fans across the world can enjoy the king's 'newest' song as well. This may only be the beginning of the journey for the recording. Graff says if the right people hear about it, they could raise ownership questions. Also, the original reel to reel may also exist, but the Leigh family doesn't have that. Newschannel 3 reached out to Graceland and Sony Music Entertainment about this story, but we did not get a response.

Click the link below to see the item and hear bits and pieces of the song. Our advise: don't have too high hopes for this one...

Lächerlich, das hört sich eher wie Roy Orbinson an.

http://m.wwmt.com/video/v/1268927600001/video/ <- Das Video zu dem Bericht....

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Alt Alt 11.11.2011, 13:13
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Alt 11.11.2011, 14:00
ballony ballony ist offline
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Ich bin da gleicher Meinung, das ist nicht Elvis. Hört sich wirklich an wie Roy Orbison. Aber schön wärs wenn wirklich noch ein neues Lied von Elvis auftauchen würde das noch nicht veröffentlicht wurde.
Alt 11.11.2011, 17:31
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Ela68 Ela68 ist offline
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Kann ich auch nicht glauben, dass dat unser El sein soll.

If tears build a stairway
and memories a lane.
I`d walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

Alt 11.11.2011, 18:35
Crown Crown ist offline
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Das wird doch nicht Rio sein??
Alt 11.11.2011, 18:38
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Ela68 Ela68 ist offline
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Ich tippe dann auch eher auf Roy oder evtl. noch Orion.

If tears build a stairway
and memories a lane.
I`d walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

Alt 11.11.2011, 18:41
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Bevor das Roy Orbison ist, ist es wohl ehr Roberto Blanco
Verwunden mein Herz mit eintöniger Mattigkeit
23. April 1998 - 20. November 2006
29. September 2006 - 22. September 2022 - I'll be with you always!

Alt 11.11.2011, 18:41
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Kinners, ihr erkennt doch Elvis Stimme, wenn ihr sie hört..das ist er nicht 1000%
Ohne Worte!
Alt 11.11.2011, 19:03
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Die Stimme auf dem Band hört sich eher nach Elvis an als nach Roy Orbison.

Habe sie mir ein paar Mal angehört. Zunächst war ich ganz sicher, er ist es nicht. Aber nun zweifele ich etwas. Es könnte Elvis sein.
Aber blöd, wie das in dem Video demonstriert wird, dass man ihn nur im HIntergrund hört oder ein paar Sekunden. Klingt dann doch eher nach einem Schwindel.
*The genius of Elvis Presley was in his music, but the magic was in his voice*
Die folgenden 2 Nutzer bedankten sich bei Gilla für diesen Beitrag:
Alt 11.11.2011, 19:18
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Niemals! Außerdem: bei welcher Session sollte sowas aufgenommen worden sein? No way...diese Meldung ist Blödsinn, da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher.
Ohne Worte!
Alt 11.11.2011, 19:24
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Gilla Gilla ist offline

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Sicher ist das alles mehr als suspekt. Die Frage war aber auch, könnte das Elvis sein. Ich wackele gerade noch mit meinem Urteil, kann im Moment nicht eindeutig Nein sagen.
*The genius of Elvis Presley was in his music, but the magic was in his voice*

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