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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 01.07.2021, 14:23
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Elvis Presley Streaming-Channel rund um die Uhr

Anfang 2022 soll ein freier Streaming-Kanal mit Elvis relevanten Inhalten starten.
Es soll sich um einen 24-Stunden-Kanal handeln, der ausschließlich Elvis beinhaltet. So werden da z.B. gezeigt: „The '68 Comeback Special“, „Elvis Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite“ und „Elvis by the Presleys.“ Auch seltenes Material soll gezeigt werden.

Leider wohl nur zugänglich aus den USA und Kanada. Aber bis 2022 ist ja noch Zeit sich einen VPN zu beschaffen.

Von Yahhoo! Finance

Elvis Presley Is Getting a Free Dedicated Streaming Channel Next Year

Streaming video is about to get all shook up — by the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.

Elvis Presley, who died in 1977, will be the subject of a new, dedicated live-streaming channel through a deal between Cinedigm and Elvis Presley Enterprises.

The Elvis Presley Channel, expected to launch in early 2022, will include archival content and specials featuring the legendary artist, as well as music content from other influential artists. The streaming channel, to be available across multiple platforms in the U.S. and Canada, will be a free, ad-supported linear service.

“We are thrilled to partner with Cinedigm to launch the Elvis Presley Channel,” Marc Rosen, president of entertainment for Authentic Brands Group (ABG), owners of Elvis Presley Enterprises, said in a statement. “The Elvis fandom is incredibly passionate, and Cinedigm is best-in-class when it comes to serving fervent fan bases.”

On the 24-hour AVOD channel, Cinedigm plans to feature continual Elvis programming with exclusive specials and documentaries including “Singer Presents…Elvis” (a.k.a. “The ’68 Comeback Special”),” “Elvis Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite” and “Elvis by the Presleys.” The Elvis Presley Channel will also give fans a chance to watch rare home footage from the Graceland Archives.

Additionally, Cinedigm plans to tap into the archives of legends such as Johnny Cash and Roy Orbison. The channel also will include specials highlighting cities like Memphis that helped shape rock ‘n’ roll, as well as other music documentaries.

Cinedigm plans to make the Elvis Presley Channel available across its network of distribution partners in the streaming space, including Samsung, Pluto TV, Roku, Hulu, Amazon and Fox Corp’s. Tubi.

The Elvis channel comes after Cinedigm has found traction with the last year’s launch of the Bob Ross Channel, which showcases the cult-favorite artist who hosted a long-running public TV series with more than 350 classic episodes.

“There are few individuals more iconic than Elvis Presley. He transcends time, genre and medium,” said Erick Opeka, president of Cinedigm Digital Networks. “The opportunity to build a branded channel around Elvis opens up streaming possibilities to an entirely new demographic in the fastest-growing segment of the ad-supported business.”

The deal was negotiated by Josh Thomashow, Cinedigm’s executive director of acquisitions, and Andrew O. Miller on behalf of ABG.

Todd Spangler - yahoo!finance

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Alt 02.07.2021, 00:03
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Danke für die Info. Es gibt ja auch zwei Radiosender, die rund um die Uhr nur Elvis spielen.
Alt 02.07.2021, 13:42
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