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Alt 24.01.2007, 17:56
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Elvis, The Missing Years' becomes movie

'Elvis, The Missing Years' becomes movie

The American company Newly-minted Cinema League has bought the film and tv rights for the book "Sergeant Presley: The Untold Story of Elvis' Missing Years". The story follows the basictraining from Elvis in Texas untill the end of his army life in Germany and will contain subjects as his meeting with Priscilla and his starting addiction to prescripted medication. The authors are Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield. Rex was a fellow soldier from 1958 to 1960 and his wife is romanticaly linked to Elvis. The start of the shooting is scheduled for next summer.

publicatiedatum: 24-01-2007, 15:57


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Alt 25.01.2007, 09:29
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Elvis Presley the untold years to roll

Posted Jan 24th 2007 3:32PM by Monika Bartyzel
Filed under: Drama, Independent, Music & Musicals, Romance, Scripts & Screenwriting
Amidst the turmoil surrounding Dakota's Fanning's Hounddog, another Presley film is in the works. This time, it's actually about Elvis and his life in the army. It probably won't include a controversial sex scene; however, Elvis loved very young women, and his life in Germany was full of them. The film is coming from the new production house, Cinema League, which has nabbed the rights to Sergeant Presley: The Untold Story of Elvis' Missing Years, a collaborative biography from Elisabeth and Rex Mansfield along with Marshall and Zoe Terrill.

Rex Mansfield was a fellow soldier of Presley's, who went through basic training with the music sensation and became his friend during Elvis' rarely-covered stint as a soldier in Germany. While friends, Elvis met Elisabeth Stefaniak, a young German who quickly became Presley's live-in secretary and girlfriend. That is, secondary girlfriend, since the man was still seeing Anita Wood. And people say the 50's were conservative. Anyhow, while working for Presley, Elisabeth fell for his friend, Rex, and began to see him secretly. To top all that off, it is at this time that Presley meets and begins to date the 14-year-old Priscilla Beaulieu.

The story will be penned by Miro Vrana, a principal at Cinema League, who shared with Variety: "Whilst the story tells of the secret forbidden love that develops between Rex and Elisabeth behind Elvis' back, it does so against the backdrop of both well known and little known events in Elvis' life." Events such as having a house full of young girls, I presume. Vrana will have his work cut out for him.


becomes, elvis, missing, movie, years

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