Sandi über Evis and the gate fans

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    • 11.01.2005
    • 4957

    Sandi über Evis and the gate fans

    **Well then you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about and if I had one wish, it would be that every fan on earth, could have spent just a few minutes at that gate (or anywhere else) talking with him. He had the quickest wit - a very dry sense of humor - he didn't just stand there and sign things, or pose for photos, he CONNECTED with everyone present! Eye contact, conversation - whatever - but he put everyone at ease immediately. He also had a way of seeking out the timid in the crowd! If there was a fan who stayed in the back or off to the side, he would make it a point to bring them forward, to specifically talk to that person...I have never seen that in any other celebrity and I've met many!
    Sandi M iller