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Alt 23.12.2006, 15:40
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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>From the book Soldier Boy Elvis, by Elvis' platoon sergeant Ira Jones

Elvis' fellow soldiers had decorated the company Christmas tree. They
had taken up a collection
and given a party for the orphans in nearby Friedberg. Elvis had
visited the area promoting the
new Salk polio vaccine. On the day that some of the men were to go on
holiday leave and Furlough,
they had to have all their equipment cleaned and inspected and they
could not have their passes
before 1700 hours.Ch

"Some of the guys were humming and singing Christmas songs. One soldier
asked Elvis to show them
how he did his Christmas songs. He finished polishing mirrors in the
latrine and then joined the
crowd. He told them to "make an instrument." Out came spoons, combs
with wax paper, and
makeshift drums using tent pins for drum sticks. They sang a rock
version of "White Christmas"
with great fervor. It was almost 1700 hours and one soldier asked
before they went would Elvis
sing "Silent Night." Elvis took the guitar and asked his sergeant to
help him. Recalls Sergeant
Jones, "Elvis sang as if in a trance, totally oblivious to the spoons,
combs, and tent
pins...Somewhere along the way the instruments fell silent and only
Elvis' voice could be heard.
Those going on pass didn't interrupt. They simply walked silently by
Elvis, touched his shoulder
and walked out the door. Not another word was spoken after the song
until Elvis broke the spell.
'Merry Christmas, everyone,' he said. 'Merry Christmas Elvis!' they
replied in unison."

On Christmas day Sergeant Jones came by the barracks to look in on
those not on leave. He
expected to find a somber place. Instead the barracks were jumping.
Elvis too had thought of the
others with nowhere to go and had stopped by with a visiting movie
actress. He took the time to
introduce her to each soldier before they were off to see a show in
Frankfurt. After he left one
soldier told Jones, "'You know, Sarge, that Elvis, he sure does know
how to make people feel
good." Jones replied, "Amen." And then "Amen!" the guys in the barracks
shouted back. "
Alt Alt 23.12.2006, 15:40
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Alt 23.12.2006, 22:03
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Zitat von MARIE Beitrag anzeigen
>From the book Soldier Boy Elvis, by Elvis' platoon sergeant Ira Jones
hey, it's a beautiful story, isn't it ?
Alt 23.12.2006, 22:38
Benutzerbild von Elvis007
Elvis007 Elvis007 ist offline
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Zitat von Rev.Gerhard Beitrag anzeigen
hey, it's a beautiful story, isn't it ?
IT IS!!!!
Alt 23.12.2006, 22:39
MARIE MARIE ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.01.2005
Beiträge: 5.054
MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%
Das ganze Buch ist schön geschrieben
Alt 23.12.2006, 22:43
Benutzerbild von Elvis007
Elvis007 Elvis007 ist offline
Registriert seit: 09.10.2005
Ort: Kerpen
Beiträge: 526
Elvis007 Renommee-Level 14%Elvis007 Renommee-Level 14%Elvis007 Renommee-Level 14%Elvis007 Renommee-Level 14%
Zitat von MARIE Beitrag anzeigen
Das ganze Buch ist schön geschrieben
Ich werde es auf meine Wunschliste setzen

army, christmass

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