The roots of elvis.Grandpa Jesse Presley sings

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    • 11.01.2005
    • 4958

    The roots of elvis.Grandpa Jesse Presley sings

  • Butchgirl

    • 27.07.2003
    • 6342

    Das rockt wie Sau

    nicht-behindert sein ist kein verdienst,sondern ein geschenk was einem jederzeit genommen werden kann


    • Sivle
      Gehört zum Inventar

      • 27.07.2003
      • 2595

      Ich wusste zwar, dass der Opa von Elvis mal eine Platte gemacht, hab sie aber nie gehört. Danke für den Link. Er scheint ja wirklich ein flotter Typ gewesen zu sein. Ich hab gelesen, dass er ein Womanizer war und deshalb auch die Ehe mit Minnie Mae in die Brüche ging. Auch hat er gerne auffallende Kleidung getragen. Kommt einem irgendwie bekannt vor, oder? Jaja, die Gene.


      • Sivle
        Gehört zum Inventar

        • 27.07.2003
        • 2595

        Bei ebay kann man ein Bild von Elvis mit seinem Opa steigern.


        • MARIE
          Gehört zum Inventar

          • 11.01.2005
          • 4958

          Elvis's paternal line continued through Rosella's son, Jessie Presley (1896-1973), Elvis's grandfather. As would be expected, J.D. Presley re-enacted his father abandonment by making weak bonds with his own children. His brother, Calhoun Presley, had this to say about J.D. "For most of his life Jessie drifted from one job to another all over Mississippi, Kentucky, and Missouri. He was a sharecropper in the summer and a lumberjack in the winter. Jessie worked hard and played hard. He was an honest man, but he enjoyed drinking whiskey and was often involved in drunken bar brawls. As a result, Jessie spent many a night sobering up in jail.

          He was a slim, handsome man about six feet tall with raven black hair. I reckon Elvis inherited his looks from Jessie. He was also a dapper dresser. Clothes were one the most important things in his life. We used to call him "the lawyer" because he dressed so smart. He loved fine clothes. His favorite suit was a tailor-made brown one with pearl buttons. He saved up for months until he had enough money to buy it--twenty-four dollars. He paraded around town like a peacock, with his head in the air and a cane in his hand. Owning expensive clothes was his only ambition in life. He hated poverty and he didn't want people to know he was poor. He felt that if he wore a tailor-made suit, people would look up to him."

          In 1913 J.D. married Minnie Mae Hood, "Grandma Dodger," who was to live with Elvis throughout his adult life. In 1916 their first child was born, Vernon Presley, Elvis Presley's father. It was toward Vernon that much of Jessie's abandoning was directed. Vernon was scared of J.D., any transgression of his father's rules could provoke a beating. This, combined with Jessie's drunken and philandering ways, caused permanent harm to their relationship. In many respects it was as if Vernon had no father as Jessie repeated his own father abandonment on his children. This theme of father abandonment reverberates throughout Elvis's paternal lineage. It is a strong clue to the abandonment that Elvis felt, and perpetrated, in his own life.

          Character is like a symphony, many themes and strains go into its making. In Elvis we see the landscape of America, the erotic spontaneity of Scots-Irish settlers and the facial lines of Indian warriors; there is the dignity and dissolution of the ante-bellum South, as well as the theme of love of family and its abandonment. Combined with his religious upbringing, a subject deserving its own consideration, Elvis's genealogy holds

          up a mirror with which to see “Elvis” the man.

          Elvis Presley


          • MARIE
            Gehört zum Inventar

            • 11.01.2005
            • 4958

            Elvis Presley; who was perhaps one of, if not the most famous Rock n’ Roller of the 20th Century. He was in his lifetime celebrated around the world, and remains the undisputed King of Rock n Roll even today. His genealogy provides us with a fascinating view of the influences that helped form his unique character. We begin our story with Elvis' maternal heritage through his mother, Gladys. We wish to credit Elaine Dundy and her fine book, Elvis and Gladys, for the following narrative

            “Elvis's great-great-great-grandmother, Morning White Dove (1800-1835), was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. She married William Mansell, a settler in western Tennessee, in 1818. William's father, Richard Mansell, had been a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Mansell is a French name--its literal translation is the man from Le Mans. The Mansells migrated from Norman France to Scotland, and then later to Ireland. In the 18th century the family came to the American Colonies.

            The appellation "white" in Morning Dove's name refers to her status as a friendly Indian. Early American settlers called peaceable Indians "white," while "red" was the designation for warring Indians or those who sided with the British in the Revolutionary War. It was common for male settlers in the West to marry "white" Indians as there was a scarcity of females on the American frontier.

            Like many young men in the American Southwest, William Mansell fought with Andrew Jackson in the Indian Wars of the early nineteenth century. He fought with Old Hickory in Alabama, at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, and later in Florida too. Returning to Tennessee from the Indian Wars, William Mansell married Morning White Dove. Elaine Dundy says of the marriage, he (William Mansell) gained "age-old Indian knowledge of the American terrain; of forests and parries; of crops and game; of protection against the climate; of medicine lore, healing plants as well as something in which the Indians were expert--the setting of broken bones." Moreover, added to Elvis's lineage were Morning White Dove's ruddy Indian complexion and fine line of cheek.

            Like many other settlers, the newlyweds migrated to Alabama from Tennessee to claim lands garnered in the Indian Wars. The Mansells settled in Marion County in northeast Alabama near the Mississippi border. The Scots-Irish, like William Mansell, were the predominant settlers of Alabama. One-tenth of the population in colonial America was Scots-Irish (Celts) at the time of the American Revolution. And a very interesting group they were. The Anglican Reverend Woodmason had this to say about the Scots-Irish women of William Mansell's day.

            "They wore nothing but thin shifts and a thin petticoat underneath. They are sensual and promiscuous. They draw their shift as tight as possible to the body, and pin it close, to show the roundness of their breasts, and slender waists (for they are generally fined shaped) and draw their petticoat close to their hips to show the fineness of their limbs--so that they might as well be in puri naturalibus."

            The Scots-Irish in America were a passionate community living close to the earth. They disdained the niceties of their British neighbors. Of this Reverend Woodmason had to say," they delight in their present low, lazy, sluttish, heathenish, hellish life, and seem not desirous of changing it. These people despise knowledge, and instead of honoring a learned person...they despise and ill-treat them..."

            There were other views on the passionate lifestyle of the Scots-Irish, however. James Hall of Philadelphia described a young, Scots-Irish frontiersman in this way. "He strode among us with the step of Achilles...I thought I could see in that man, one of the progenitors of an unconquerable race; his face presented the traces of a spirit quick to resent--he had the will to dare, and the power to execute, there was something in his look which bespoke a disdain of control, and an absence of constraint in all his movements indicating an habitual independence of thought and action."

            Think of Elvis in these words: the will to dare and the power to execute, a disdain of control in all his movements indicating a habitual independence of thought and action. This is the Scots-Irish heritage from which Elvis Presley issued. In his genes he carried an independence of blood, the will to dare and the power to execute. Many influences formed Elvis Presley besides the genealogical, yet this description has a haunting accuracy.

            Morning White Dove and William Mansell prospered in Alabama. Their land was fertile and they built a substantial house near the town of Hamilton. They had three offspring, the eldest of who was John Mansell, born in 1828, and Elvis's great-great grandfather. Elaine Dundy has this to say of John Mansell. He was "half Scots-Irish, half Indian, (but) seems to have grown up wholly "wild Injun." Although by the time he was twenty-two he had married Elizabeth "Betsy" Gilmore and they would have some nine or ten children together, "settling down" can hardly be the phrase for what he was devoting his life to. John was one of those sexually overactive men who seem intent on populating the universe with children. Both his legitimate and illegitimate descendants still abound in northwest Alabama and in northeast Mississippi."

            John Mansell squandered the legacy of the family farm. In 1880 he abdicated to Oxford, Mississippi, changing his name to Colonel Lee Mansell. His sons left Hamilton to seek their fortunes in the town of Saltillo, Mississippi, near Tupelo, the birth place of Elvis Presley. The third of John Mansell's sons, White Mansell, became the patriarch of the family with John Mansell's removal to Oxford. White Mansell was Elvis's great-grandfather.

            White Mansell married Martha Tackett, a neighbor in Saltillo. Of note is the religion, Jewish, of Martha's mother, Nancy Tackett. It was unusual to find a Jewish settler in Mississippi during this time. All accounts point to White Mansell as a hard-working, upright, provider for a clan increasingly besieged by economic factors beyond their control. The Civil War fractured the Southern economy and soul. Cotton, the backbone of the South, was subject to financial depressions such as the Panic of 1890.

            Additionally, the deep South suffered numerous outbreaks of yellow fever during the mid-nineteenth century. Add to this the extraordinary number of fatalities suffered in not only the Civil War but also the Mexican War, and the devastation of Southern culture in the nineteenth century was complete. Like many other Southern families, the Mansells were stretched to the breaking point. They sold their lands and became sharecroppers. The prosperity of the South, along with the fortunes of the family, had plummet.

            However the life of a sharecropper was not unremittingly grim. They had music and dancing and the comfort of religion. Tenant farmers, sharecroppers, were often invited to the owner's house on Saturday nights for square dancing and parties. Sundays there were picnics on the ground after church. Although there was little hope of escaping poverty, it was a life of community with some gayety.

            Enter now Doll Mansell, Gladys Presley's mother and Elvis's grandmother, of whom Elaine Dundy had this to say. "And the gayest of all the girls at these gatherings, the acknowledged beauty, was the slim, exquisite, tubercular, porcelain-featured, spoiled third daughter of White Mansell...Doll." She was a delicate beauty and the apple of her father's eye. She did not marry until twenty-seven, and then to her first cousin, Robert Smith.

            Bob Smith was the son of White Mansell's sister, Ann. Ann Mansell was a striking woman of dignity and stature, a commanding presence until her death at eighty-six. Bob Smith and Doll Mansell, Elvis Presley's maternal grandparents, were first cousins. This was a genetic intensification, a doubling, of the family lineage. The marrying of first cousins, with its intensities and possibility for dysfunction, was common in insulated communities of the agrarian South. Like Doll, Bob Smith was very handsome, his Indian blood evidenced in a noble brow, good bone structure, even features and dark, deep-set eyes. His black hair was dark as coal.

            Doll would be bedridden from tuberculosis throughout the marriage. Like his uncle and father-in-law, White Mansell, Bob Smith labored long and hard as a sharecropper, and occasional moonshiner, to support his invalid wife and eight children. The noose of poverty tightened on the family, and on Elvis's mother, Gladys.

            Elaine Dundy: "Genetically speaking, what produced Elvis is quite a mixture. At the beginning, to French Norman blood was added Scots-Irish blood. And when you then add to these the Indian strain supplying the mystery and the Jewish strain supplying spectacular showmanship, and you overlay all this with his circumstances, social conditioning, and religious upbringing--specifically his Southern poor white, First Assembly of God upbringing--you have the enigma that was Elvis."


            • gast-20070627

              total interessant ... vielen Dank Marie


              • Herbi

                • 27.07.2003
                • 25204

                ..also ich glaube nicht das da ein "Presley" singt !! ...oder singt da vielleicht doch ein "Presley" !!

                __Elvis - Artist Of The Century__


                • MARIE
                  Gehört zum Inventar

                  • 11.01.2005
                  • 4958

                  Zitat von Herbi
                  ..also ich glaube nicht das da ein "Presley" singt !! ...oder singt da vielleicht doch ein "Presley" !!
                  Warum nicht?


                  • Herbi

                    • 27.07.2003
                    • 25204

                    Zitat von MARIE
                    Warum nicht?
                    ..gute frage !! nun mir war bis jetzt noch nicht bekannt das Elvis Opa auch sang und sogar eine platte aufgenommen hat !!

                    ...hier habe ich noch ein bild von den beiden gefunden ....

                    Elvis' grandfather, Jessie D. Presley, was 34 years old at the time the census was taken in East Tupelo, Lee County, Mississippi on April 2, 1930. He was living with his family at 29 Saltillo Road. He was head of the household and owned the house he lived in with the exception of a mortgage for $1,500. He was born in Mississippi, just like his father and mother were. He was married for the first time at the age of 16 years old. He worked as a farmer on a general farm. His wife, Mamie M. Presley, was 37 years old and was married at age 19 years. She was born in Mississippi as were both of her parents. Their two sons were named, Vester Lee Presley and Vernon E. Presley, the later one Elvis' father. Vester was 15 years old while Vernon was 14. They had 3 sisters living with them as well, Delter M., Gladys E., and Nashelill L. Presley. They were 10, 7, and 4 1/2 years old respectively. All were born in Mississippi, like their parents.

                    Zuletzt geändert von Herbi; 25.12.2006, 14:19

                    __Elvis - Artist Of The Century__


                    • MARIE
                      Gehört zum Inventar

                      • 11.01.2005
                      • 4958

                      Zitat von Herbi
                      ..gute frage !! nun mir war bis jetzt noch nicht bekannt das Elvis Opa auch sang und sogar eine platte aufgenommen hat !!

                      Das ist schon so lange bekannt......


                      • Herbi

                        • 27.07.2003
                        • 25204

                        Zitat von MARIE
                        Das ist schon so lange bekannt......
                        ...okay, man lernt eben wirklich nie aus !!

                        __Elvis - Artist Of The Century__


                        • Herbi

                          • 27.07.2003
                          • 25204

                          He had one brother - Vester. After the Presley's moved into Graceland in 1957, Vester worked as head gate guard - a job he held for many, many years. Vester was married to Elvis' mother Gladys' sister, Clettes. With Presley cook Nancy Rooks, he co-authored "The Presley Family Cookbook." In 1979, he recorded, "A Message to Elvis Fans and Friends." I met him in the early 1990s and spent several visits with him after that. We both loved "Coca-cola Jello". What a sweetie!

                          All of these people are dead.

                          The only Vernon relative (other than his second wife Dee and her sons) to try to capitalize on Elvis' fame was Vernon's father Jessie D. In 1958, he made an album called "The Roots of Elvis."

                          Jessie was not popular with the Vernon Presley family. When Vernon got arrested in 1938 for forgery, Jessie refused to post bail, and, while Vernon was in prison, he sold his little house, (now the Birthplace Home in Tupelo).

                          In 1946, Jessie divorced Elvis' grandmother and Vernon's mother Minnie Mae. The next year he married a local school teacher and had little to do with the family until Elvis got famous some ten years later.

                          I have read that Elvis bought him a car at some point.

                          The real cash-in relatives were Elvis' stepmother Dee Stanley and her sons, David, Rick and Bill. A whole other story!

                          __Elvis - Artist Of The Century__


                          • MARIE
                            Gehört zum Inventar

                            • 11.01.2005
                            • 4958

                            Und unter das E-bay photo steht:


                            • Herbi

                              • 27.07.2003
                              • 25204

                              noch was...

                              The King is Scottish - long live Elvis!
                              Yes, Elvis Presley lives!! At least his genes certainly do in the little village in the North East of Scotland where his family hailed from. New research has identified Lonmay in the Scottish district of Buchan as Elvis's ancestral home.

                              Scots author Allan Morrison has discovered that the KIng of rock'n'roll's ancestors emigrated to the United States over 250 years ago. Records show that Andrew Presley married Elspeth Leg at Lonmay on August 27th, 1713 - over thirty years before Bonnie Prince Charlie arrived with his Jacobite followers to try to reclaim the Scottish throne.

                              The first Presley in America was their son, also Andrew, who arrived in North Carolina in 1745 - the year of Culloden.

                              The family tree looks like this:
                              Andrew Presley
                              - married at Lonmay 1713 - Elspeth Leg

                              Andrew Presley

                              Born about 1720 in Scotland. Arrived North Carolina in 1745.
                              - married -
                              Wife's name unknown

                              Andrew Presley

                              Born about 1765, North Carolina
                              - married - Wife's name unknown

                              Dunnan Presley sen

                              Born about 1805 in North Carolina
                              - married - Wife's name unknown

                              Dunnan Presley jun

                              Born 1827, Mississippi.

                              Died 1900, Mississippi
                              - married 1861 in Mississippi - Martha Jane Wesson

                              Born about 1830, Mississippi

                              - married again about 1888 - Mrs Rosella Presley

                              Born 1862

                              Died 1924, Mississippi

                              Jessie D McClowell Presley

                              Born 1896

                              Died 1973
                              - married 1913 in Mississippi - Minnie Mae Dodger Hood

                              Born 1888, Mississippi

                              Vernon Elvis Presley

                              Born 1916, Mississippi

                              Died 1979, Tennessee
                              - married 1933 in Mississippi - Gladys Love Smith

                              Born 1912, Mississippi

                              Died 1958, Tennessee

                              Elvis Aaron Presley

                              __Elvis - Artist Of The Century__

