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Alt 26.06.2007, 19:34
Andylon Lensen Andylon Lensen ist offline
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Inside Love Me Tender / Inside Elvis Is Back Release

Ger Rijff and Elvis Unlimited In Joinventure Inside Love Me Tender.

Ger Rijff and Elvis Unlimited In Joinventure with Inside Love Me Tender.

If you have any interesting memorabilia from that movie, we would be very interested to hear from you: henrik@elvispresley.dk

Inside Elvis Is Back Released Within The Next Few Days.

Also let me take this chance to thank you all for the kind words on our 2 first Inside books.

The pre orders on Elvis Is Back has been fantastic, and we will start send our orders out within the next few days.

Thanks, Henrik.

Preview Of Inside Elvis Is Back Boxset.

Here is a preview of the upcoming Elvis Unlimited release "Elvis Is Back" . It will be made like the two “Inside” boxes. The book will be thicker and the DVD will be much longer than in the two previous boxes.

Elvis Is Back will be about Elvis’ return to the music scene in 1960. This year was a bittersweet one for Elvis. He was being discharged from the Army. Music had changed in two years and he was a little insecure about his music career.

Yet he enters the sessions with such ambition and determination. He delivers a new mature diverse voice. “It's Now Or Never” and “Surrender” are truly challenging for Elvis. He proofs himself to be a truly talented singer and not just a flash in the pan. These recording sessions will forever stand out in Elvis’ history.

It’s almost as if Elvis hit the ground running upon his return. The Colonel had been busy preparing for Elvis' return for a very long time. Not only were the recording sessions lined up, an appearance on the ABC televised Frank Sinatra Special and the filming for “G.I. Blues” were immediately following.

His appearance on the Sinatra Special is warmly received by the public. Elvis innocently steals the show from Sinatra. Yet the repertoire between the two performers is very apparent. “G.I. Blues” is a very successful film for Elvis although Elvis hates being in uniform again.

During this year, Elvis is also experiencing many changes in his personal life. Elvis has met Priscilla while in Germany. But he returns to his long time girlfriend Anita Wood. They continue their relationship where it left off before Elvis left for Germany. Vernon marries Dee, which is hard on Elvis because of the loss of his mother. Elvis also brings many of his friends from Germany home and the Memphis Mafia is formed.

But still the most important thing during the year 1960 is the amazing recording sessions. We have two incredible albums from this year, “Elvis Is Back” and “His Hand In Mine.” Elvis truly proves his ability as a performer. He conquers every challenge he is faced with and proves Elvis is back!

Elvis Is Back will present many never before seen pictures from this period. There will even be some very interesting ones from the filming of G.I. Blues. Those were not used in the Inside G.I. Blues book.

2007/06/26 Henrik Knudsen - www.elvisunlimited.com / www.epgold.com
Alt Alt 26.06.2007, 19:34
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Alt 26.06.2007, 20:04
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burroughs burroughs ist offline
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as far as I´m not quite interested in Elvis-movies, I´m also not really upset about the recent box-sets
but *Elvis is back* would sure be an interesting thing to have, along with the almost released ftd-double-cd-set
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wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 02.07.2007, 12:45
springfever springfever ist offline
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Was soll denn ELVIS IS BACK als Boxset kosten? Und wenn es schon jemand hier hat, wo gibt es das denn günstig?
Alt 03.07.2007, 16:19
Benutzerbild von DelWebb
DelWebb DelWebb ist offline
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ich hab kein platz mehr, LMT fällt aus
--- we didn´t buy elvis presley to be another james dean, we buy him to sing the songs ---
Alt 06.07.2007, 13:04
Benutzerbild von burroughs
burroughs burroughs ist offline
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*Elvis is back*should be released next Tuesday

taken from Elvis Unlimited Newsletter
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wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast

back, inside, love, release, tender

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