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Alt 23.06.2008, 11:44
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Vor 50 Jahre


50 years ago: June 23, 1958

Elvis Presley's 62-year-old grandfather has signed a recording contract in Louisville, Ky. Legacy Records, Inc., made it known last night that Jesse Presley, who lives in Louisville, is now its "property." Shown a United Press International Telephoto of Jesse, relatives here said, "Yep, that's Elvis' grandpa." And then added, "Well, I'll be doggone." Grandfather Jesse, however, will turn his back on rock and roll and sing out with songs he learned in the cotton fields of Mississippi, the record company said. The grandfather said, "I don't want to ride in on Elvis. I want to make it on my own." Elvis heard it and said to Vernon, "Lord, if anyone hears that...they'll put us away for good, Daddy."

Grandpa Jesse also appeared on CBS television series, I've Got A Secret on July 9, 1958 singing The Billy Goat song.

Elvis performed for employees of the Phillip Morris company at a private party they were having on 12/8/55 at the Rialto Theater in Louisville. The Jefferson County National Guard Armory was the site of an 11/25/56 performance. He stayed at the Seal Bark Hotel. Elvis visited his grandfather Jesse D. Presley at his job in the Pepsi bottling plant in Louisville, KY. where Elvis buys Jesse a white '57 Ford Fairlane. And again in 1971 when Elvis appeared at Freedom Hall. His grandfather died on 3/19/73 and is buried in Louisville. Elvis toured there again performing at Freedom Hall on 6/26/74, 7/23/76 and 5/21/77.

Permission is granted to reproduce this story as long as elvisunlimited.com is given proper credit.
Alt Alt 23.06.2008, 11:44
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