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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 05.06.2009, 18:49
MARIE MARIE ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.01.2005
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MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%
Elvis items at auction:

Elvis items at auction: Backstage Auctions is hosting a huge rockin' summer auction from June 21– 28 online at: www.backstageauctions.com with a special preview available now to view the entire auction catalogue. The Rockin' Hot Summer Auction will feature items from radio/ television broadcaster Denny Somach's personal collection, including over 5,000 7-inch promotional singles, autographed lyric sheets, vintage photos, gold record awards, signed lithographs, backstage passes, vintage magazines and rare promotional collectibles including merchandise, artwork, pins, buttons, concert tickets, shirts and much more!

Our summer auction has been put together with the everyday collector and fan in mind. With over 700 auction lots, the average opening bid price is $100.00 with a large number of the lots that feature a starting bid price of $25.00 - $50.00. Now everyone can own a piece of rock and roll history.

There are also a couple of Elvis-items available, among them these Tickle Me-feathers. You can find all Elvis items by following the link below. (News, Source; Elvis News)

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Alt Alt 05.06.2009, 18:49
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