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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 04.12.2011, 20:12
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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Ort: Vaals
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Elvis in Hollywod

Two new books by Erik Lorentzen and Pål Granlund; 'Jailhouse Rock: Frame By Frame' and 'King Creole: Frame By Frame'.
"Norway may famously be the home of giants, but it’s fast gaining a reputation as the home of gargantuan books on The King.
The two men who deserve all the credit for this are well-known Elvis fans and long-standing buddies, Erik Lorentzen and Pål Granlund.
After working together on the best-selling Elvis: The King Of Las Vegas (Flaming Star, Oslo, 2009), Erik and Pål have reunited to offer collectors two essential books on Jailhouse Rock and King Creole, The King’s best and most dramatic movies.

Both volumes will be released in hardback on 8th January 2012 as the first parts of an exciting new series called Elvis Presley In Hollywood.
They will each contain more than 400 pages and, alongside text written by Mike Eder, many hundreds of stunning, previously unpublished photographs that have been carefully selected by Erik and Pål from their extensive private collections.
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Alt Alt 04.12.2011, 20:12
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