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Alt 19.06.2007, 11:07
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New FTD Information Policy

The people behind the Follow That Dream label decided on a new information policy. The reason they are not giving out the actual track listings are many says Ernst Jorgensen:
1) We often make the announcements before every detail is in place;
2) We firmly believe that people understand the main logic of these records (Classic Album Series:);
3) We are not interested in the adverse comments that seem to be the order of the day. (Examples: a) why this take and not that take? b) Joe Tunzi writes this and you write something else?).

If people have doubts as to whether they want the new releases, it's best that they wait to read the reviews. On the regular FTD like "I Sing All Kind", this is such a "Special" release; this needed detailed information upfront for the fans.

On the "Sun Project", Ernst says that he wished this would become a Christmas release for 2007, but he is afraid this will not happen. There is so much work Ernst has been focussing on the last couple of weeks with the 30th Anniversary coming up and his in-house activities for SONY/BMG due to the many changes in the future for the music industry. He needs eight weeks, both days and nights, to complete this project.

Source: Ernst Jørgensen / Jun 19, 2007

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Alt Alt 19.06.2007, 11:07
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Alt 19.06.2007, 12:14
Andylon Lensen Andylon Lensen ist offline
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Orginating news www.elvisnews.com? directly from Ernst Jorgensen????

Change a bit here, a bit there, add some, edit some.
Voila !!!

This is orginating news from www.elvismnews.com directly from Ernst Jorgensen???

My Foot!!!

Here is the orginating News:

Tracking List for FTD Raised On Rock & Easy Come, Easy Go July 1, 2007.

Andylon Lensen talked personally to Ernst Jorgensen last week Friday and explained why the tracking list for the FTD "Raised On Rock" & "Easy Come, Easy Go" will be announced on the release date July 1, 2007.

We recieved in the past hundreds of e-mails, many times because of rumors were spread or fabricated. We got tired of this, not to mention answering them if I had time - I mean lost time.

And in the future it will be our policy to continue this with albums that are known by fans as the concept is crystal clear.

On the regular Ftd " I Sing All Kind" - this is such a "Special" release, this needed detailed information upfront for the fans.

The "Sun Project" well Andylon, I wish I could say; This will be a Christmas release for 2007, but I am afraid this will not happen.

There is so much work I am focused on the last couple of weeks with the 30th Annv and next to that, I also have a lot of time spent now on the in-house for SONY/BMG... many things seems to change in the future for the music industry.

On the Sun... I really need like 8 weeks spending solely writing and being day and night focused without being distracted to finish this project.

But I can say you this; It's people like you and many,many others who helped me with rare/unpublished photo's and other information with this project, when it is finished it will be mind blowing...

Gotta go Andylon, talk to you later...

2007/06/18 Ernst Jorgensen - Andylon Lensen - FTD / www.epgold.com
Alt 19.06.2007, 21:37
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burroughs burroughs ist offline
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as long as our friend Herbi hasn´t the luck to get his news directly from Mr.Jorgensen, he has to copy/paste what he find´s on elvisnews.com

and I can see no big difference between the first and the second version, according to your name and 2 sentences more that make Mr. Jorgensen look some kind of *harsh* to me as a fan
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wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 20.06.2007, 14:56
Andylon Lensen Andylon Lensen ist offline
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Zitat von burroughs Beitrag anzeigen
as long as our friend Herbi hasn´t the luck to get his news directly from Mr.Jorgensen, he has to copy/paste what he find´s on elvisnews.com

and I can see no big difference between the first and the second version, according to your name and 2 sentences more that make Mr. Jorgensen look some kind of *harsh* to me as a fan
Oh I see as long there is no contact personally with Ernst Jorgensen by Herbi ,the only source is elvisnews.com, right?
Don't you love when people steal information and claim it as there own!
Wonder what I am doing here then?

Geändert von Andylon Lensen (20.06.2007 um 14:59 Uhr)
Alt 20.06.2007, 15:55
Benutzerbild von Butchgirl
Butchgirl Butchgirl ist offline
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Ok, and the point, you are trying to make here is what exactly?

I may not know diddly squat about those releases or any truth to either contents posted here, but what was so wrong in what Herbi did?

He quoted from a site he believed to be accurate in what they reported
I am sure there was no harm intended, on his part?

If it is because you were not mentioned and given credit, that you are entitled to, I am sure he would have done so if the site he got his information from said so in the first place.
Therefore I feel you'd need to talk to them, if anything.
Alt 20.06.2007, 16:08
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Alt 20.06.2007, 17:16
Andylon Lensen Andylon Lensen ist offline
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Herbi did nothing wrong!
I just answered burroughs.

Tried to delete my answer, because it is not that important!

The point I was trying to make, is not understood.
Alt 20.06.2007, 17:22
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Butchgirl Butchgirl ist offline
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The point I was trying to make, is not understood.
I guess not
Alt 20.06.2007, 18:52
Benutzerbild von burroughs
burroughs burroughs ist offline
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Zitat von Andylon Lensen Beitrag anzeigen
Oh I see as long there is no contact personally with Ernst Jorgensen by Herbi ,the only source is elvisnews.com, right?
Don't you love when people steal information and claim it as there own!
Wonder what I am doing here then?
Dear Andylon!
I guess you´re right, as long as anybody here has personal contact to Mr. Jorgensen, our only news-station is elvisnews.com.. and it is since this message board is online.
On the other hand, I don´t mind if they change names in their massages as long as the messages are true and right.. know what I mean?
Maybe it just happened that Herbi was a little bit faster than you

don´t get me wrong, it isn´t my intention to upset you in any way..
but I can´t see a big difference between Herbi´s news and yours..
the meaning seems to be the same..
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wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast

Geändert von burroughs (20.06.2007 um 19:08 Uhr)
Alt 20.06.2007, 19:10
Andylon Lensen Andylon Lensen ist offline
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Hi Burroughs,

I know what you mean!

I did place my news with Ernst earlier on my site two days ago entitled here as:Tracking List for FTD Raised On Rock & Easy Come, Easy Go July 1, 2007.

So that was not the point.

What I was trying to explain is:

Imagine Herbi did have an exclusive interview with Ernst for this site and publish it here and I take Herbi interview; change a few lines here and there and than publish it on my website and claim as if it is my news I got from Ernst.

That is what Elvisnews did and I believe in the policy giving credit where credit is due.

For the rest I love this site and always try to support it in a positive way


Andylon Lensen

Geändert von Andylon Lensen (20.06.2007 um 19:16 Uhr)

information, policy

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