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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 29.03.2008, 13:23
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Elvis Presley's Ancestors Link Lisa Marie Presley and Her Children to Royalty

KAMUELA, HI--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 27, 2008 -- Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc., the world's foremost resource for researching deep family history via its proprietary Family Forest® Project, today announces its latest discovery: Elvis Presley, the iconic "King of Rock" was, in fact, himself descended from kings of England.

"Through at least one of the known ancestral lines of Elvis' grandmother, Minnie Mae (Hood) Presley, recorded history shows Elvis Aaron Presley to be a descendant of King Henry the 1st and William the Conqueror," states Bruce H. Harrison, Millisecond's CEO and co-founder of the Family Forest® Project.

Minnie Mae Hood, affectionately nicknamed "Dodger," was the mother of Vernon Presley. Following her death in 1980 at age 92 she was laid to rest next to Elvis's grave in the Meditation Garden at Graceland. (Graceland is open to the public and is a major worldwide tourist destination located in Memphis, Tennessee.)

The Family Forest® discovery means that Lisa Marie Presley (Lockwood) and her 2 teenage children (daughter Riley and son Benjamin) as well as the twins that she and her husband Michael Lockwood are reported to now be expecting*, are also descended of an ancient royal lineage. (*source: Star Magazine.)

Just as important as Elvis Presley's royal heritage -- "the King's" unique kinship to tens of thousands of people alive today can now be calculated. These calculations are based on the fully sourced knowledge within the Family Forest®.

"We have been working diligently for 12 years to develop this breakthrough technology," states Harrison. "Over 8 million lines of proprietary computer code can now be used in calculations of relationships that were, until now, never before possible.

"The Family Forest® opens new channels for exploring the deepest known realms of family histories. It also provides several never before possible 'ancestral marketing' applications. This includes powerful ways for the entertainment industry to market Hollywood icons to both current and future generations via the connections of their genealogies."

Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc. expects to license its proprietary technology to companies interested in the promotion of Hollywood icons, like Elvis Presley, who along with hundreds of others, who already have their ancestries digitally linked within the Family Forest®.

The Family Forest® Project is an on-going, privately funded research effort based on the Big Island of Hawaii. Over a year ago, it was first to announce the news that Senator Barack Obama's mother's ancestors positively established his relationship to at least four former U.S. Presidents, as well as the current vice president, and even the popular composer, Quincy Jones, Jr.

Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc., is the home of the Family Forest® Project, launched in 1995. The Family Forest® is A People-Centered Approach to History®, and the world's most interconnected digital resource for exploring and teaching ancestral history. The company website is at http://www.FamilyForest.com.

Quelle: http://biz.yahoo.com/iw/080327/0380550.html
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