Parker und Elvis Weekend in Breda

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  • gast-20090708

    Parker und Elvis Weekend in Breda

    Die Niederländer halten Parkers Andenken aber in Ehren!

  • gast-20090708

    Luna, sollen wir da hin?


    • monipenny

      • 21.08.2007
      • 5146

      nun ja, wenn elvis schon nie dort war ...
      “Wenn zwei Knaben jeder einen Apfel haben und sie diese Äpfel tauschen, hat am Ende auch nur jeder einen. Wenn aber zwei Menschen je einen Gedanken haben und diese tauschen, hat am Ende jeder zwei Gedanken.” (Platon)


      • gast-20090708

        Und wer war Schuld? Parker!


        • Ela 37

          Zitat von Sonja68
          Und wer war Schuld? Parker!
          Falscher Thread


          • gast-20090708



            • MARIE
              Gehört zum Inventar

              • 11.01.2005
              • 4957


              In Niederländisch

              In englisch
              From June 26 to June 29 ElvisMatters has a huge event in Breda, the birthplace of Col. Parker, for his 100th birthday.

              100 years Parker, 1000 x Elvis

              On 26 June 2009 it will be exactly one hundred years ago that Andreas Cornelis van Kuijk (known as Dries) was born in Breda. This Dries, who emigrated to America at the age of nineteen, changed his name into Colonel Thomas A. Parker. Colonel Parker became world-famous as the manager of Elvis Presley. For 22 years, from 1955 till Elvis’s death in 1977, Dries van Kuijk, born and bred in Breda, was the manager of world’s biggest entertainer. As an Elvis Presley fan club we cannot and will not let this unique fact go by unnoticed. On 26, 27 and 28 June ElvisMatters organises a great Parker and Elvis weekend in Breda. This weekend will include several fascinating activities. A taste of what’s in store:

              Main exposition: 100 years Parker - 1000 x Elvis

              This is the most important and spectacular item of the entire event. In the chapel of the Holland Casino Breda, that was built in 1501 and has a surface of 300m², there will be held a unique exhibition about Elvis Presley. This exhibition will consist of 1.000 items and it will be the greatest exposition that has ever been held outside of Graceland. Numerous of precious and unique items from several private collections will be exceptionally displayed. A stage costume of Elvis, shirts he wore on stage, private clothing, his last guitar, film clothes, personal jewellery, stage outfits of his musicians, contracts, original signatures and so on. The list is practically endless. This exhibition will not only be a must for the Elvis fan, everybody that likes music will want to take a close look at this piece of history. As an extra, there will also be displayed 100 original and extremely rare film posters.

              Side-exposition 1: Ed Bonja

              Apart from the ‘1000 x Elvis’ exhibition, there will also be held a side-exposition with the photographs of Elvis’s official photographer and our magazine co-worker Ed Bonja. Bonja’s photos can be found on numerous original Elvis LP covers. Ed Bonja himself will also be present and he will bring a number of items that have never been displayed before, such as the cameras he photographed Elvis with.

              Side-exposition 2: 100 years Parker

              Furthermore, there will be held a special exhibition about Dries van Kuijk. The story of the life of this striking man from Breda will be told with many authentic pieces. Eye-catcher is a handwritten letter that Dries wrote to his mother in 1930 and in which he writes that he will be home soon. Clothing, personal possessions and black-and-white pictures from the photo album of the family van Kuijk that have never been shown before. Moreover, there will also be displayed an original copy of the women’s magazine Rosie from 1960 in which the family van Kuijk recognised their Dries as the manager of Elvis Presley after he had been gone for 30 years, together with letters that ‘Tom Parker’ wrote to his family in Breda, accompanied by a photograph that Elvis himself had signed. The exhibition will also show the Breda of the twenties, when Dries grew up in this city. Next to some antique circus pieces, we will also show some hyper exclusive images of the Breda Circus Van Bever where young Dries developed his love for show business and got his first job.

              Town walk

              In cooperation with Breda Promotions the visitors of this ElvisMatters weekend will be offered the possibility to visit, with a guide, a few places that played a part in Dries van Kuijk’s life. A first stop is the place where the house where Dries was born used to stand. The walk also passes his primary school and the house where Dries grew up, the hospital where his father, Adam van Kuijk, died in 1925 and the church where Dries was baptised and later was altar boy. History experts from Breda will make sure the tour is correctly worked out.


              On the centenary of Dries van Kuijk’s birth city carilloneur Jacques Maassen will give, on demand of ElvisMatters, an Elvis concert from the 97 metres high tower of the 'Onze Lieve Vrouwe church' in Breda. From 10.30 - 11.30 there will be played Elvis hits for one hour over the streets and squares of Breda. There will finely sound Rock ‘n Roll music from the most famous tower of Breda, that was built 500 years ago. Songs can be requested at the ElvisMatters office.

              Elvis Presley Film Festival

              Within 300 metres walking distance of the Holland Casino Breda there is the recently opened new Turfschip that includes mega cinema Must See, with its seven halls. A cinema with an extraordinary look where the most modern equipment provides phenomenal sound and images. Must See Breda offers its enthusiastic cooperation to ElvisMatters during the ‘100 years Parker - 1000x Elvis’ weekend by putting the large hall, with a capacity of 389 seats, at our disposal for three days and evenings. It will be possible to program three different Elvis films. To promote this film festival, Must See Breda allows us to hang three big flags above their main entrance for one and a half weeks. This way the cinema will breathe the atmosphere of the ‘Elvis Presley Film Festival’.


              Saturday evening we plan an impressive show, for which we bring the original band members to the Netherlands and place them on stage, together with a sixteen-headed orchestra. Rock songs such as ‘Mystery Train’ and ‘Johnny B. Goode’ will sound through the grand Chassé Theatre. After the concerts, the visitors are invited for a ‘meet & greet’ with the band. The members will take their time to chat and sign photographs. The date the ticket sale starts follows.

              Weekend arrangement

              In cooperation with several hotels in Breda, ElvisMatters has set up an interesting weekend arrangement. This allows visitors to stay in this historic city for a bit longer and take their time to truly enjoy the different parts of our event. This arrangement will include entrance tickets for the three main exhibitions and the film festival.

              Official opening + press conference

              The exhibition will be officially opened by Ad van Kuijk jr. on Friday 26 June in the presence of national and international press. Ad van Kuijk jr is the Colonel’s cousin who succeeded in restoring the contact between Dries and his family through a letter in 1961. He will cooperate exclusively with ElvisMatters to make this weekend succeed. Moreover, Parker’s widow will welcome the visitors from Las Vegas through a video message.


              To promote the Parker weekend, ElvisMatters will release a unique DVD with unedited interviews and the last images of Colonel Parker in Las Vegas, which have never been shown before.

              Our 2000 members will receive a dvd cover that will accompany the 25th ElvisMatters magazine. Inside they will find with the festival programme. The DVD itself will become a true collector’s item which only the members will be able to collect freely.


              Thanks to the cooperation of a few sponsors we can give away a V.I.P. arrangement, in which the winner is upgraded to a luxurious suite, has a personal meeting with the original band members of Elvis and, to top it all, he or she and 8 friends of his or hers will be collected at home by an XX-long stretch limousine. Extra prizes are a tour of the Breda town with a 1959 Cadillac ‘Sedan de Ville’, a 4-course dinner with wine arrangements, arrival with champagne included, numerous products of Princess and club seats in the Must See Cinema during the Elvis Presley Film festival.

              And so much more

              Made your mouth water? Check this website regularly for more news about the ElvisMatters super weekend of 26, 27 and 28 June. Members will get a separate mailing with a detailed overview of the many activities.


              • MARIE
                Gehört zum Inventar

                • 11.01.2005
                • 4957

                Noch ein anderes programm auch in breda.


                • praytome
                  Gehört zum Inventar

                  • 23.06.2005
                  • 3428

                  sooo heute nacht um 5 gehts los nach breda...

                  heute gepackt wie ein mw

                  sonntag nacht bin ich wieder da ...

                  jetzt könnt ihr anfangen mich zu vermissen...

                  lasst bluesy nicht alle drogen sachen durchgehen während ich on tour bin...

                  gott herbi wird der kettensäge ausgeliefert sein ...

                  the king eine sprechstunden hilfe einstellen und mit ihr anbandeln...

                  wenn ich nach hause komme wirds die ersten reviews geben von dem charles stone buch ...

                  bin gespannt ob mw und sein schatten auftauchen denn die colonel sache dürften sie sich kaum entgehen lassen ...
                  Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

                  "My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone


                  • Schorni

                    • 09.12.2003
                    • 8640

                    Zitat von praytome
                    jetzt könnt ihr anfangen mich zu vermissen...
                    Keine Angst, wird wohl kaum passieren. Rast nicht so, lasst euch Zeit.
                    Meine Meinung steht fest, bitte irritieren Sie mich nicht mit neuen Tatsachen!

