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Alt 07.02.2007, 12:24
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Statue of Elvis in Honolulu

The city of Honolulu will reveal this year a life-size bronze statue of Elvis with the endorsement of EPE for the memory of the legendary concert in 1973. The statue will be placed in the Neal S. Blaisdell Centre that was known as the Honolulu International Centre from where the first worldwide satelitte concert was broadcasted.

publicatiedatum: 07-02-2007, 12:21
Alt Alt 07.02.2007, 12:24
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Alt 07.02.2007, 13:06
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oh! das ist klasse und wird auch langsam mal Zeit !
Alt 07.02.2007, 13:33
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Sivle Sivle ist offline
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Zitat von Rev.Gerhard Beitrag anzeigen
oh! das ist klasse und wird auch langsam mal Zeit !
Das meine ich aber auch!
Mich wundert, dass die Halle überhaupt noch steht. Normalerweise stehen solche Hallen in Amerika vielleicht gerade mal 30 Jahre und dann kommt der Sprengmeister.
Alt 08.02.2007, 16:04
Tamara Tamara ist offline
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das ist klasse vieleicht kann man hier ein Bild davon reinsetzen ?
Alt 15.02.2007, 08:27
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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NEW YORK, Feb. 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- TV Land will celebrate the life and times of music legend and pop icon Elvis Presley throughout the summer of 2007, it was announced today by Larry W. Jones, President, TV Land. Kicking off TV Land's tribute to Elvis in late July, TV Land and the city of Honolulu, Hawaii will honor Elvis with a life-sized bronze sculpture.

The statue will grace The Neal S. Blaisdell Center, formerly The Honolulu International Center, the site of Elvis' 1973 Aloha from Hawaii concert, which was seen globally on television. Fans can log on today at TVLand.com to view video excerpts and photos from Elvis's historic Aloha From Hawaii performance.

Following this momentous event, beginning August 1, 2007, TV Land will celebrate Elvis with an on-air tribute commemorating his unprecedented legacy throughout the entire month. From the '68 Comeback Special to Aloha from Hawaii to the documentary Elvis By The Presleys to his much-loved films like Love Me Tender and Wild in the Country, TVLand will showcase Elvis Presley's work every single day in August.

"Elvis is the ultimate icon of pop culture, especially to the Boomer generation, and one of the greatest entertainers of the 20th century," states Larry W. Jones. "Celebrating his legacy this August on TV Land will be a unifying event for current and future Elvis fans."

The "Everything Elvis" tribute encompasses the following: LIFE-SIZED BRONZE SCULPTURE The bronze sculpture, which will be unveiled in late July, will commemorate the historic Aloha from Hawaii event, portraying the King of Rock 'n' Roll as he appeared in that performance, and pay tribute to him during the 30th Anniversary year of his passing. Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. has granted permission for this special tribute and will be involved in the approval process of the sculpture.

"Elvis remains an idol and a hero to so many of us, and because of his time spent here, Hawaii considers him an adopted son," states Mufi Hannemann, Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu.

"Elvis will forever remain a part of Hawaii's identity -- from his film Blue Hawaii to his 1961 benefit performance to raise money for the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial to the historic concert which this sculpture commemorates. Honolulu is proud to be the home to this monument to the King at the very site of one of the most seminal performances in his career."

Aloha from Hawaii, which initially aired on NBC in April of 1973, was the first concert event ever to be beamed around the world by satellite. Carried live in some countries and by tape delay in others, the show was seen in over 40 countries by 1.5 billion people, a worldwide ratings smash.

In America, 51% of the TV viewing households tuned in to watch Elvis perform. The soundtrack album went to Number One on the Billboard album chart and in America alone sales have earned the album a 5x Platinum award. Through the years, video and DVD releases and rebroadcasts have been tremendously successful. The sculpture is the network's sixth work to honor people, places and moments from pop culture by recognizing the site as a "TV Land Landmark."

The network's landmarks include: a bronze statue of Ralph Kramden of The Honeymooners at the entrance of New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal; a sculpture of Mary Tyler Moore from The Mary Tyler Moore Show at Nicollett Mall in downtown Minneapolis, MN; The Andy Griffith Show statue in Raleigh's Pullen Park; a bronze statue of Bob Newhart commemorating his role as Dr. Robert Hartley on The Bob Newhart Show in Chicago and most recently, a tribute to the beloved series Bewitched with a life-size statue depicting a magical view of character Samantha Stevens, played by actress Elizabeth Montgomery, in Salem MA. Fans can visit TV Land.com to see photos, virtual tours of the statues as well as streaming video of some of the dedications.Studio EIS, a three- dimensional design and sculpture studio in New York founded by brothers Ivan and Elliot Schwartz, is creating the life-sized bronze sculpture. The studio also created The Andy Griffith Show statue, the statue commemoratingBob Newhart's role as Dr. Robert Hartley on The Bob Newhart Show and the statue of Samantha Stevens
from Bewitched.
Alt 13.08.2015, 14:51
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Zitat von Tamara Beitrag anzeigen
vieleicht kann man hier ein Bild davon reinsetzen ?
Schon erstaunlich, dass sich in einem Zeitraum von ca. 8 Jahren (!) niemand gefunden hat, der dieser Bitte nachkommen wollte, aber ich bin ja auch noch da...

Wie ich finde, ist der King hier - im Vergleich zu anderen Statuen - doch recht realistisch getroffen!

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Alt 13.08.2015, 18:12
Benutzerbild von RETROLUXE
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Bin ich eigentlich der Einzige, der solche Dinger immer nur hässlich und peinlich findet?
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Alt 13.08.2015, 18:36
Dark Moon Dark Moon ist offline
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Peinlich und hässlich ist die Stele in Bad Nauheim!
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Alt 13.08.2015, 19:26
Rynn Rynn ist offline
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Ich hätte die Statue sehr gerne mitten im Wohnzimmer stehen
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Alt 14.08.2015, 08:44
Graceman Graceman ist offline
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Zitat von Rynn Beitrag anzeigen
Ich hätte die Statue sehr gerne mitten im Wohnzimmer stehen
Und jeden Tag dann schön mit dem Swiffer rüber....(hi,hi!)

honolulu, statue

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