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Alt 08.05.2008, 12:13
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Book "Elvis: Your Personal Fashion Consultant"

Due for release from Abrams Image on July 23, 2008 is the paperback book "Elvis: Your Personal Fashion Consultant" by Michael and Karan Feder.

This is a 32 pages fun book in which you can play around with Elvis outfits. This book features punch-out cardboard images of Elvis that stand up, the stands are included with the book. (ISBN-10: 0810972700 / ISBN-13: 978-0810972704).

Source: epgold.com
Alt Alt 08.05.2008, 12:13
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Alt 08.05.2008, 17:14
Benutzerbild von Didi
Didi Didi ist offline
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Didi Renommee-Level 26%Didi Renommee-Level 26%Didi Renommee-Level 26%Didi Renommee-Level 26%Didi Renommee-Level 26%Didi Renommee-Level 26%Didi Renommee-Level 26%
New book - 'Elvis: Your Personal Fashion Consultant': A follow up to the "Liberace" book of the same format, ‘Elvis: Your Personal Fashion Consultant’ by Michael and Karan Feder is due for release from Abrams Image on July 23, 2008. A paperback book of 32 pages this is a fun book where you can create multiple Elvis outfits.

As the publicity for the previous Liberace version says, "Packing for your next Mediterranean cruise? Shopping for a new car? Rest assured, Liberace has the perfect gold lamé number or full-length cape to suit all of your needs. Not only can you enjoy dazzling photographs of Liberace in the most outrageous of outfits, but you can also punch these photos out to play with twelve paper dolls in hilarious poses! The perfect novelty gift!" This also book features punch-out stand-up cardboard images of Elvis to play with. Suitable for fans with a sense of humour - EPE should be proud!

Source: elvisinfonet.com

book, consultant, fashion, personal

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