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Alt 10.12.2006, 10:56
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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EP In Concert "downunder" loses money??

EP In Concert "downunder" loses money??: Sid Shaw included this article in his latest informative Elvis Yours Cyberclub newsletter (EIN has asked the promoter for a comment on Sid's claim):

Although the fans loved “Elvis in Concert” on its recent tour Down Under it lost money for the promoters and is unlikely to tour again. It is a very expensive Concert because EPE are so greedy charging huge fees. Unless you can fill auditoriums it is very risky for promoters and ticket prices are too high. Rumour has it the TCB band may be replaced by younger musicians.

In fact, “Elvis in Concert” could go on forever replacing all the original musicians and backing singers but EPE would have to make it much more attractive for promoters and fans. If they want too much to book a Show and promoters have to charge too much for ticket prices there will be no more shows after Memphis in August 2007. There are many complaints from Elvis’ original entourage about the way they are treated by EPE and some will probably not be performing next year in August.

To add to this depressing news for Elvis fans it seems the “Mid-South Coliseum” where Elvis regularly performed may be closed down by the City of Memphis. It has had competition from the Pyramid and Fedex Forum in downtown Memphis and loses money. Just like previous Elvis landmarks such as American Sound Studio, the Tupelo Fairgrounds, Libertyland, RCA Studios in Nashville and the stadium for Elvis’ last concert in Indianapolis I can see more destruction of Elvis and American heritage. In Britain and many other countries such historic buildings are protected by law and cannot be destroyed. (News, Source: Sid Shaw)

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Alt Alt 10.12.2006, 10:56
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