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Alt 06.09.2011, 19:27
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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New Elvis biopic

Elvis Presley Movie Names Director

The King of Rock 'n' Roll is getting the big screen treatment. Writer-director John Scheinfeld has been tapped by RLF Victor Productions to direct Fame & Fortune, an adaptation of Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business, the 2007 biography by former Presley bodyguard Sonny West and biographer Marshall Terrill.
The project will begin casting in late fall with an eye on a 2012 theatrical release, which would coincide with the 35th anniversary of Presley's death. Elvis appeared in 27 movies in the 1960s, but his life story has never been the subject of a big-screen biopic.
Presley, however, has been the subject of telefilms, including the Jonathan Rhys Meyers-starring Elvis (2005) and a 1979 project by the same title that starred Kurt Russell and was directed by John Carpenter.
Biopics about several other chart-topping stars of Presley’s era have made for box office gold (and critical praise) in recent years, including Ray (2004) about Ray Charles and Walk the Line (2005) about Johnny Cash.
Scheinfeld wrote and produced the documentaries Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin’ About Him?) and The U.S. vs. John Lennon. He also executive produced the Showtime documentary Beautiful Dreamer: Brian Wilson and the Story of 'Smile' and the PBS documentary Rosemary Clooney: Girl Singer.
The Fame & Fortune script comes from RLF Victor Productions president Cindy Friedlander, Michael Schlau and West. Todd Slater will executive produce.Scheinfeld is represented by Gersh and attorney Linda Lichter. Gersh is packaging Fame & Fortune.

Source: Google / Updated: Sep 6, 2011
Alt Alt 06.09.2011, 19:27
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Alt 06.09.2011, 19:40
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basierend auf west´s buch? oh oh
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