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Alt 14.08.2009, 06:10
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Unique Al Dvorin items for sale

Although 2009 may be an "off year" for the Elvis Industry in Memphis, there are still three locations where dealers have displayed their items. One of those locations is the ball room of the old Peabody Hotel, where we ran into Howard Dvorin, the spitting image of his father Al "Elvis has left the Building" Dvorin. Howard is just the nicest guy you can imagine, and he speaks with love and respect about his late father. Also, Howard is selling several items that once were Al's personal possessions, such as signed posters, promotional items, stuffed Hound Dogs, scarfs, backstage passes, even cardboard band stands from the fifties. In addition to that, Howard is working on a book, based on the memoirs of his late father.


Published: august 14th 2009 02:02 AM.
Source: ElvisMatters/Graceland Tours / Published by: ElvisMatters - Michel van Erp . - Photographer: Michel Van Erp
Alt Alt 14.08.2009, 06:10
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