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Alt 27.08.2006, 13:32
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The Love Me Tender Years Diary

The book "The Love Me Tender Years Diary" by Trude Forsher has been released. Trude Forsher was Colonel Parker's assistant from 1956-1961. She later was a television show producer in Los Angeles and a human rights activist.

The book is a 194 pages paperback, published by BookSurge Publishing on August 21, 2006 written by Trude Forsher (deceased) and her son James Forsher (editor) (ISBN: 1419634704).


In 1956, Trude Forsher, a 36-year-old refugee from Nazi-occupied Austria, was leading a quiet life in conservative Westwood, California, with her husband and two sons. Life changed quickly for the Forsher family when Trude put aside her career as a freelance writer/stay-at-home mother and went to work for Elvis Presley and his manager, Colonel Tom Parker, as their personal secretary.

'She totally fell in love with the glamour and the life,' said her son, filmmaker and broadcasting Professor Jim Forsher. 'The next thing I knew, my mother was not at home, she was working all the time, Dad was not handling it well, the neighbors thought we were weird.'

During the six years Trude worked with Elvis and Col. Parker, she was a trusted member of the inner circle. If you wanted to get to Elvis or the Colonel, you first had to get past Trude. It has been said that neither the Colonel nor Elvis could have had a more dedicated employee.

When his mother passed away in 2000, Forsher inherited her collection of Elvis memorabilia. Last year, he began unsealing the cartons...box after box after box full of Elvis and Colonel Parker mementoes, all meticulously preserved, including a 45rpm record of 'Love Me Tender' signed to Trude by Elvis and his cousin; original studio publicity notes from 'King Creole' (along with Elvis biography); invitations to Elvis movie screenings; movie production call sheets; a 1957 Christmas card sent to Trude by Elvis from his new home, Graceland; Colonel Parker's signature string necktie; dictation notebooks; LP albums right out of Elvis's movie studio dressing room; cards; letters; the key to Elvis's dressing room and much more.

Quelle: www.elvisnews.com

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
Alt Alt 27.08.2006, 13:32
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